Helen Boyle, Cadent
Helen Boyle
Head of Regional Development (North West and West Midlands)

Helen Boyle is Head of Regional Development for the North West and West Midlands for Cadent, the UK’s largest gas distribution network. Helen is responsible for supporting the transition away from natural gas to green gases as the UK rises to the net zero challenge as well as working with potential hydrogen producers to increase hydrogen production across the regions.

Working collaboratively with electricity distribution network operators, Helen has developed whole-systems decarbonisation pathways to support local authorities’ accelerated net zero ambitions. Her primary focus is working with regional stakeholders to understand their needs and help to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place to support the delivery of net zero.

Helen has more than 25 years’ experience in stakeholder engagement and communications roles in a variety of sectors including; electricity distribution and chemical manufacturing in the North West.

Email: firstname.name@emap.com
My Sessions
CASE STUDY + Q&A: Hydrogen heat for homes in practice